Leap Year Calculation

What is a Leap Year?

In Gregorian calendar, a Leap Year is a year which is both evenly divisible by 4 and not divisible by 100 or just is evenly divisible by 400.

Leap Day

Leap Day is an extra day which added to the end of February every four years.

When is the next leap year?

The current year - 2024 is a leap year. The following nearest years are leap.

2020 is a Leap Year
2024 is a Leap Year
2028 is a Leap Year
2032 is a Leap Year
2036 is a Leap Year
2040 is a Leap Year
2044 is a Leap Year
2048 is a Leap Year
2052 is a Leap Year
2056 is a Leap Year
2060 is a Leap Year
2064 is a Leap Year

Headline Text

Integer imperdiet vestibulum leo ut tincidunt. In sagittis diam ut leo convallis vel rutrum mauris ullamcorper.

Headline Text

Integer imperdiet vestibulum leo ut tincidunt in sagittis.

Headline Text

Integer imperdiet vestibulum leo ut tincidunt in sagittis.

Headline Text

Integer imperdiet vestibulum leo ut tincidunt. In sagittis diam ut leo convallis vel rutrum mauris ullamcorper.

Headline Text

Integer imperdiet vestibulum leo ut tincidunt in sagittis.

Headline Text

Integer imperdiet vestibulum leo ut tincidunt in sagittis.